Ahree Lee


Ahree Lee


Los Angeles

Artist Statement

In the fall of 2018, I kept track of what I was doing all day long in a spreadsheet. Each activity I
assigned to one of half a dozen different categories, including child care, housework, art
practice, and sleep. I picked one week of that time period and during the course of my artist
residency at the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles, turned it into Timesheet:
November 4–10, 2018, a work comprising seven weavings, one representing each day of that
week. I wove it during weekly studio hours, on my floor loom that I moved into the space for the
exhibition. By giving these ephemeral activities form through my weaving, I have created an
analog data visualization of invisible and undervalued domestic labor and transformed it into an
artwork with monetary and cultural value.


Pattern : Code, Women’s Center for Creative Work, Los Angeles, California. 2019
We Are Here, USC Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena, California. 2020



“Ahree Lee,” Artist Parent Index , accessed October 12, 2024, https://artistparentindex.com/items/show/491.

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