Gaia Fugazza


Gaia Fugazza


United Kingdom

Artist Statement

I consider myself as part of a deviated group of animals that has, for some unknown reasons, forgotten how to symbiotically relate to their environment.
The objects and performances that I produce refer to episodes and images that in my daily life are example of this paradox. I consider my point of observation and personal history -a urban, white western woman and mother- but I attempt to stretch these occurrences into archetypal patterns distancing from a discourse on identity.

I attempt to distance my self from an anthropocentric understanding of all relations. Plants, animals, natural elements often appear in my works portrayed as having sentience, equal to people and sharing emotions.

Experimentation on techniques and craft plays and important role in my practice: materials compete, carry special metaphorical meanings and mingle with the figurative part of the work. This makes for characters suspended in symbolic actions deprived of time and historical context.

The idea of presence vs. distraction is also addressed in my performances.
I choreograph unexpected situations that engage the public as collaborators of experiments or rituals, all aiming at stimulating a deeper sense of self-awareness and communal presence within an animist landscape.


2019 Mother Art Prize, Mimosa House, London
2018 Super Nature in Two Parts, Lisson Gallery, London, curated by Daria Khan
2018 Last Dance: Re-Imagined Futures / Mimosa Pudica, Lighthouse, Brighton
2017 Star Messanger, LUX, London; curated by PS/Y
2016 Invites: Gaia Fugazza /Present and Distracted, Zabludowicz Collection, London; curated by Paul Luckraft
2016 Salon de Montrouge, Montrouge; curated by Ami Barak
2015 The London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London; curated by Daniel Hermann and Poppy Bowers
2015 No Foods Land, Biennale Mediterranea 17, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano; curated by Andrea Bruciati
2015 Studio Voltaire Open 2015, Studio Voltaire, London; selected by Cory Arcangel & Hanne Mugaas
2014 MA FA Degree Show, Chelsea College of Art, London
2014 Frosted and Defrosted, 44 Albion, London; curated by Taylor Le Melle



“Gaia Fugazza,” Artist Parent Index , accessed July 27, 2024,

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