Knox Roxs: The Zine


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Join us on a 6-year span photo collection to increase visibility of black/brown kids in

the autism and neurodiverse communities.

Welcome to Knoxverse:
Reclaiming visual narratives and breaking the stigma of my son’s Autistic Joy using photography and design has allowed me to highlight what I often didn’t see depicted in the media. The importance of showing his joy increases the visibility in the lives of Autistic children of color. Moments that show the world that being Autistic isn't something to be ashamed of, it is beautiful, luminous and shows that being joyful shouldn’t be masked. I aim to continue creating dialogue between myself and other Neurodivergent families by highlighting my son's ability to experience Joy.

In October 2018 I decided to design and release a disability/autistic advocacy photo zine entitled "KnoxRoxs" dedicated to my autistic son, as a way to give visibility to children of color in the autism community. Since its release, the zine has received national and international recognition, including features in AfroPunk, The 2019 Women’s March on Washington, The Autism Society of Baltimore, and is permanently archived in Libraries at the The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

Photos by Jennifer White-Johnson (Knox’s Mom)
Words by Kevin Johnson Jr. (Knox’s Dad) & Jennifer White-Johnson (Knox's Mom)

Published in Baltimore, MD 2018
By Homie House Press
Printed in Sussex, UK. 20183



“Knox Roxs: The Zine,” Artist Parent Index , accessed October 12, 2024,

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