Renée Bouchard


Renée Bouchard


Renée Bouchard


Artist Statement

Renée Bouchard Artist Statement 2020 “If we look at looking too long, it falls apart. Underneath the benign surface of the orderly world is the ‘optical unconscious,’ a deceptive, fragmentary domain that has to be forcibly reconstituted in order to make daily sense.” James Elkins I intersect child rearing and art making as a form of resistance to the long held suppression of unwaged mothers and artists. Since my 7 year old son was a toddler, he often has been invited to participate with me in the studio. I see children’s art as the earliest and most abstract search for language. Within the performative moments of our collaborations I constantly (re) construct my relationship with visual culture, woman’s work, and my most intimate self. Escaping the confines of one reality and entering an alternate reality is often where I find freedom within the complexity of the mind and the emotions it houses. I use titles to constrain the viewer within my abstract, representational paintings. Color for me is the machine that organizes the movement within the space. I use the color wheel to juxtapose pleasure and the abject with ideas of power and freedom from the perspective of a woman. I work in spurts on several paintings simultaneously in a journalistic manner, documenting clusters of daily life. Language, media, music, and studio detritus weave together with memory and the present act of painting. “Forever – is composed of Nows.” Emily Dickinson




Renee.Bouchard, “Renée Bouchard ,” Artist Parent Index , accessed September 9, 2024,

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