Art Mamas
Art Mamas
Art Mamas is a group of Vancouver-based artist mothers, featuring: Gabriela Aceves-SepĂșlveda, Matilda Aslizadeh, Robyn Laba, Natasha McHardy, Maria Anna Parolin, Heather Passmore, Sarah Shamash, prOphecy sun and Damla Tamer. The collective formed in 2016 in response to a practical need for accountability, encouragement, and feedback in the process of making new work, and a desire to articulate a model for feminist, women-centered, sustainable creation processes that integrate life and all of its chaos into a viable and valued way of being and creating. The positive valuation of lived experiences juggling parenting, making a living, and artmaking is positioned against the dominant culture of art production which increasingly mimics a corporate model of production, marketing, PR and specialization. Art Mamas exhibits as a group and meets once a month to critique the work in progress of our members and share experiences in open forum.
“Art Mamas,” Artist Parent Index , accessed September 16, 2024,
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